How to Ask for A Raise
Asking For a Meeting to Discuss a Raise
This script is designed for currently-employed workers. In this situation, timing is important. Make sure you’re not approaching your boss when they are busy with something urgent.
Situation: Asking For a Meeting to Discuss a Raise
Use this script to request a meeting to ask for a raise.
Do your homework on your raise request (for example, conducting salary research) BEFORE you ask for the meeting so you’re ready to go if your boss agrees to the meeting right away. Also consider the timing of when you’re asking for the meeting. Don’t ask to talk about your salary when your boss is busy with other things. On the other hand, if you’ve just completed a big project or reached a milestone (for example, your one-year anniversary with the company), that’s a good time to ask for a raise.
Make the Ask:
[Boss name], I’m hoping we can talk about my salary. It’s been [timeframe] since my last raise, and I’ve taken on additional work during that time. I’d like to talk about increasing my salary to reflect these additional responsibilities.
[You can mention one or two of the additional tasks you’ve taken on when making your request.]
Can we schedule a time in the next week to discuss that?
[Choose a timeframe that works for you and your boss.]
How It Might Sound:
You: Jim, I’m hoping we can talk about my salary. It’s been a year since my last raise, and I’ve taken on additional work during that time with the departure of Karen and Bill. I’d like to talk about increasing my salary to reflect these additional responsibilities.
Boss: Sure. When do you want to meet?
You: How about next Tuesday or Wednesday?
Boss: Sure. We can do 10 a.m. on Tuesday.
You: Great. Thanks.
Try this out and get back to us on your experience!
Still need guida nce and knowledge on how to approach your salary negotiation and/or raise? Our Jobseekers Guide to Salary Negotiation is filled with expert knowledge on how to prepare for your ask including a raise. Broken down in simplest form and full of stats and facts about employers when it comes to the art of negotiating.